
My Muslims ID Badge

Written by Theresa Corbin

Right now I am on a plane to Australia on my way to speak at a conference about the failings of some Muslims to uphold the rights of women as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did. I am at once relieved and heartsick. I am relieved to leave an environment where tension follows me like bad B.O. simply because I am a Muslim. But I am also heartsick over the failings of some of my own country(wo)men to protect the rights of religious freedom as our forefathers would have us do.

Since the horrifying attacks in Paris, innocent Muslims have experienced a heinous backlash all over the US and Europe. It is now assumed that we are guilty until proven innocent, and our guilt is solely by association. A standard no one wishes to be held, but is reserved for Muslims. 

The hardest thing to face is the fact that presidential candidates are jumping on the bandwagon of hate, suspicion, and division, despite this being utterly un-American. And if, as the extremist Donald Trump suggests, Muslims in the US are required to wear ID badges, I recommend the one below. And I call on my brothers and sisters of all faiths and no faith to wear it with us, in solidarity, sending the message that we will not let the evil that is extremism on either side tear us apart. That we will be stronger than they expect us to be and fight back with compassion and tolerance. Because extremists are not our teachers!

first amandment
my Muslim ID badge


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6 thoughts on “My Muslims ID Badge

  1. Goodluck for your conference and many many prayers for you. InshAllah you are in my thoughts. It is indeed a great honor for you and other American Muslim women I can’t think of a better representative 🙂
    Don’t let the Aussies daunt you and remember that back home we are all rooting for you and looking forward to the updates! Allah bless you always, ameen.


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