The Muslim Woman’s Struggle: Diversity in Feminism Part II

The Muslim Woman’s Struggle: Diversity in Feminism Part II

Part I here

Written by Theresa Corbin, co-authored by Saadia Haq

A Voice from the West

Recently I have gotten a lot of heat for identifying as feminist and a Muslim. I did it very publicly so I am not surprised at the response. I am however, surprised that purported feminists had such a problem with my identity they have gone so low as to call me- a fellow woman they have never met or spoken to- a stupid cow (because having and exercising my basic human right to choose my religion makes me a farm animal), a moron, an attention seeking … fill in the blank …

Aaaand these “feminists” have even perpetuated a harmful female stereotype, by saying that my identity is the result of daddy issues, as if everything a woman does must have something to do with a male relationship- there is no emoji that exists that can express how massively I would like to roll my eyes at this.

But the lack of support-and virulent abuse-I received from my fellow “feminist” was so hideous that it made me wonder what exactly they think feminism is. I know for sure they had no idea what being a Muslim meant outside of what they hear about Muslims and Islam on the news, stereotypes, or from Islamophobic talking heads and reductionists (terrible sources, y’all!).

Then I realized that these ladies (and some men) were only upset because I challenged their misconceptions about what it means to be a Muslim woman, what is means to be a feminist, and by doing so I challenged their very identity (we often define ourselves by negation and not being validated pisses insecure people off). I realized this because I understand the rhetoric in American society and Western culture at large that Islam = bad for women.

The reason I realized this was because I too had many of the same misconceptions about Islam that these people have. That was before I knew what Islam is. You see, it is hard not to carry around these misconceptions when on a daily basis you are receiving messages from everywhere that hijab is a tool of oppression, that Muslim men are somehow more violent and domineering than their Western counterparts and that Islam is just more oppression of women under the guise of religion.

While there are problems that women face in terms of dress, male dominance and religion being used as a tool for oppression (that Muslim feminists are addressing), it is a fallacy to think that these things are only Eastern or Muslim problems as we see them play out daily among non-Muslims in the West. But the stereotypes persists and are amplified of late.

The roots of these stereotypes come from Orientalists’ intentionally mutilated understanding of Islam. And its feminist roots were planted by women like Carrie Chapman Catt and Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs, who travelled the world to unite women in the cause of equality and they should be celebrated for their efforts. But these ladies and many women like them couldn’t get over their own superficiality and arrogance. When they saw Muslim women dressing modestly in hijab, they took it as proof that men were using all they could including clothing to control women.

These feminists clung to their Orientalist understanding of Islam (some say it was only propagated to create reasons to colonize Muslim countries. i.e. Christianity good/Islam bad therefore, the more “advanced” Western Christians must “rescue” people from their “backwardness”) and they never once thought to ask the Muslim women why they cover their bodies the way that they do. Or even if it was something that Muslim women wished to do of their own accord. No, they just assumed it was because Muslim women were too weak or feeble-minded to even see how they were being oppressed. (See Unveiling Scheherazade)

These early feminists completely ignored the fact that these Muslim women used the public space and political forum to fight for their causes. These efforts were ignored because Muslim women weren’t fighting for the causes Western women thought they should be fighting for (removal of the veil). So they took it upon themselves to free these “poor” women from the things they didn’t need saving from and ignored the real struggles they faced. This was par for the course in Western colonial dealings with indigenous peoples.

and some are still at it.

I have felt this attitude and its far reaching effects through time and place in my own life. When I compare how I was treated as an identifiably white women to how I am treated now that I wear hijab, the difference is striking. I was, previous to my Islamic identity, treated like a competent, actualized, thinking human being. I was listened to and even sought out for my opinion. The story is totally opposite now that I am recognizably Muslim. Now I am often treated like a child, talked down to and even flat out ignored. So much so that I often wonder if I am invisible or on mute. I suffer from the legacy these first feminist left to future generations as to how to treat the “other”.

Sure, I know what you are thinking, feminists have moved past this type of thinking and acting. And I would have to agree with you that many modern, Western feminists have gotten past this. Some of my best friends are third-wave feminists. These ladies understand that each women’s struggle is her own and should be heard and dealt with in the way she wishes for her life.

And third-wave feminism arose partly-or largely, depending on whom you speak with- because of the failure of former feminists to understand that women are diversified and that women of all ethnicities, nationalities, religions and cultural backgrounds are also entitled to equality and agency in the ways they see fit for their lives.

So why are so many feminist still stuck in first and second wave feminist thinking? It all goes back to what the media is selling and what the masses are buying. Stereotypes that is (definition- where a few cases are taken as representative of the whole. Thought it would be better to clear that up now instead of in the comments.)! They are sold fresh and hot off the presses daily. And this creates a weirdness where feminism is growing and supporting women in their choices, but many still cling to colonial mindsets that says to be actualized you must first be Western, White, and Christian (today that translates to: If not Western then at least westernized. If not white then at least whitewashed. And if not Christian then at least not Muslim). And if you “fall short” in any of those categories, you will be dismissed. It will be assumed that you are not capable.

In the Western culture, we have done little to address this arrogance in our thinking and we see it acted out by groups like FEMEN who wish to “save” and instruct the Muslim woman on what feminism really is. It is this idea that somehow someone else (here: FEMEN-style feminists) has a better understanding of what is best for you (here: Muslim women) than you do, that has a distinct smack of patriarchy by way of feminism.

Muslims women are not now and have never been interested in being told what our struggle is. We are not interested in being spoken for. We are not interested in being rescued.

Because the thing is that Muslim feminists have been doing a lot in terms of bettering our sisters’ lives, the lives of oppressed minorities and humanity at large, from within the framework of our faith. The thing is Muslim feminists have a lot more work to do in terms of being heard, gaining rights and ridding our lives of barbaric cultural practices. We just choose to do so in a way that WE see best.

Our struggle is real. And we understand it better than anyone else. We don’t need anyone adding to our struggle by judging us incapable based on the religion we choose, the hijab we wear or don’t wear, or the color of our skin. We don’t need to be reduced to nothing more than our scarves or dress code (a form of objectification and a huge obstacle within feminism). It makes our efforts ten times harder.  How can we engage at all if you treat us as lesser beings? Respect is critical and for all.

So if you are interested in supporting us in our struggle ask us how (see part I). If you are a non-Muslim who wishes to “enlighten” us as to what our religion is, we are not interested in your superficial reading of Islam or your condescension. If you are interested in telling Muslim women we cannot be feminists, understand that you have no right. If you are interested in telling Muslim women how to be feminist, know that you missed the point of feminism.

32 thoughts on “The Muslim Woman’s Struggle: Diversity in Feminism Part II

      1. And on a holistic manner, probably most Muslim feminists of whatever color can relate to these issues, my colleagues were reading your part with so much avid interest, also this gets people thinking of Muslim women who are not in Islamic countries and regions and how it affects their lives in ways both blessed and the ones you speak out against of.


  1. A voice from South-East Asian 😉

    My opinion is so simple. I have read your posts (part I & II), and some references about this topic. To be honest, when I was a collegian, I didn’t feel interest discussing about feminism with my friends in my university. I got many references that its ideology was so liberal.
    The Indonesian feminists (I compare it with feminism in my country), wanted to struggle about the Sexual sameness , :Men and women are fundamentally the same.
    Do you believe Indonesia is more western?
    I was so shock, when I read about Irshad Manji, a lesbian feminist liberal Muslim from Canada. She ever given her present “Allah, Liberty and Love”. in Indonesia, on May 4-5th ,2012. She campaigned her mind, marry with same sex is one of human right. The Indonesian feminists and liberals called her as a “a faithful muslim” . Oh My God!!
    They are trying to get rid of some verses, such as polygamy and death duties.
    So, I’ll support the Islamic feminists’ struggle so long as they follow Islamic rules. That’s all.
    I strongly agree with your minds, my sisters! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do not think there is a need to fight for people to believe that men and women are the same. We are not. It is rediculous to think so when we can just look in the mirror and tell that we are in fact different. The problem here is that different doesn’t mean inferior to another. different is just different. Allah sees us as equals. For me, I certainly would not like to over step the bounds set by Allah, but a lot of what people think about in terms of gender in Islamic rulings is culturally based or just insecurity and harshness in faith. And it has got to stop becasue it is so detrimental to women and by extension our societies.

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      1. Yes I know that. I just compared with Islamic feminists in my country. I saw they’re same with liberals.
        I support your struggle. May Allah reward your efforts. Insha’Allah.


  2. Corbin, women like you are the hope for Islam. I am proud to call myself your sister and a fellow Muslim. Sadia Haq, as a fellow Pakistani it is awesome to see a woman speaking out againt the bullshit in our country, all while respecting her religion. You two have said what I have always wanted to say: Islam gives us women freedom, and people should realize that.

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    1. Ayesha, thank you very much for your solidarity. Both Corbin and I in our diverse ways are trying to inform people that Islam is not the PROBLEM for sure.


  3. Corbin and Sadia, I am proud of you. Awesome to see women calling feminism out on its occasionally crazy ideas. FEMEN and women like Alia Elmahdy, make me depressed. Feminism is not what they portray, and I pray that Islamic Feminism takes off, so that Muslim women have a voice, too

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahaha. thank you!The crazy notion that “women are human beings” will continue to be paved for, until we dismantle patriarchy and lunacy from the idea that women are humans too.

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    1. I am not interested in wasting my time debating with people who are so obviously dedicated to making people hate and fear one another. I obviously did something right in order for him to wish to backbite me. He can waste his time with pettiness all he wants. I will, however, be putting some of those verses he took out of context back into context.

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      1. Exactly, we are not letting anyone Muslim or Non-Muslim derail and disrespect others, my stand is with Corbin and obviously many western people are having their hissy fits over her candidness, courage and compassion — ironically all three traits that are said to be the core essence of WESTERN WORLD.

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    2. Does David Wood has nothing better to do ? Why he does not try on more dresses. Do not think twice that fact is not obvious she is getting this much hate because she is a women; I ducking dare you to come after me if I had converted.

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      1. Hyde you made my day and read my mind. Its so easy to come after Muslim women and also western women who have become converts to Islam.
        People like that writer need to get over themselves and take a good look into the mirror, shame on men who try to exert their superiority on women and as a Muslim feminist who has been on the receiving end of crap dolled out by many a western men/people I want to know exactly how is the west so civilized and my country/third world men so bad, while I can see these western attackers becoming negative and derogatory towards women while trashing Islam and its men.

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      2. No, really James Wood is this crazy Evangelical apologist who actually did wear a woman’s dress in a lame kass attempt to disdain the Nabi.

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      3. SubhanAllah, a sad case indeed. He only harms his own soul. I wonder if he is getting paid to do all this by Islamophobes. He seems to not have much else to do with his time.

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      4. Actually it is a last get effort for these evangelicals who have utterly lost their world view; to go after Islam is supposed to make you a better Christian ?Anytime when in order to be religious you have to bad mouth another religion, then your religion is just your insecurity and self ridicule.

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      5. Well historically speaking they/ or other religions have always been doing that throughout history,. Have we forgotten the amazing Crusades waged by civilized people that led on “Fight in the name of Christ” and kill in the name of Christ. Heavens Forbid, Jesus Christ’s message was never about violence.
        Most people do that, bad mouth other religions to exert their superiority and I am afraid that is going on in every community.


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